I remember when i was putting on shows in my late teen's and into my 20's it was so exciting and fun. I enjoyed spending time in a copy shop making a poster and then the late nights running around town putting up the flyers. We'd be crawling in the door at 5am, covered in wheat paste and paper cuts. Then came a time when i wasn't enjoying it as much, guess i got kind of burnt out and just wanted to be a spectator. Over the past few years i've helped put on shows, but really took a back seat position in the whole process. But it appears i've started to put on shows again, but only for bands i really like and for people i'm friends with. I figure if i'm not making money doing this i might as well enjoy myself. Below is posters for the Fucked Up weekend happening in February (just after my 33rd birthday). And soon i will have everything confirmed for the First Step/Go It Alone/Get the Most show on Feb 22nd (which i'm doing with some friends). Hopefully we can get more bands to cross the border, or drive across Western Canada, to play Vancouver.
FOR THE KIDS!! Or something like that.............

FOR THE KIDS!! Or something like that.............

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