Thursday, February 08, 2007

Welcome to the ghetto

"You know where you are? You're in the ghetto baby, you're gonna die." (sung to the tune of G n R's "Welcome to the Jungle)

The neighborhood I live in is the same one i lived in for a spell back in the early-mid 90's. Back then it was a fuckin' disaster, and pretty depressing. I was quite surprised when I moved back and saw the change in scenery; hip restaurants and cafe's, families and yuppies where there was once crack heads & welfare moms. I remember the punx weren't even stoked on the area, as it was really just an extension of Main/Hastings (lots of drugs & prostitutes) It's not that the neighborhood became a perfect upstanding place to live, it's just that somehow the 2 worlds co-exist with each other now.
But there often times where elements of the old neighborhood show up. Like when I see sketchy dudes on the corner of Fraser and Broadway. Or like my apartment building and the notices up in the lobby area. Around a week ago there was a notice reminding people to not let strangers in the building, and it then went on to confirm that "an incident occured in the building and that police are investigating". I'm not sure what happened, but i often hear late night arguments inside and outside the building. And today I came home to see a bunch of official notices on the front door saying that a grow op has been discovered on the first floor! WTF?!?!?! in the ghetto........