Monday, November 27, 2006


One of the reasons i moved from Montreal to Vancouver earlier this year was for the weather, specifically the lack of winter bullshit. I knew that it rains non-stop during the winter months, and i was ok with that. Hell, there are times i actually like the rain. But then this weekend, after weeks of slightly brisk weather with a whole lot of rain, our city by the sea was hit with snow....alot of it. It snowed all weekend, and was still lightly snowing as i came to work this morning. Below are some pictures I took from my apartment and on the walk to work.
View from my bedroom.
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The alley behind our apartment building.
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The sea wall between Science World and BC Place.
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

This week has been frustrating as all hell. Things fell apart for the Spanish Bombs show, and now the show probably isn't going to happen. But the story isn't that simple and that's why i've had a headache and why i've been frustrated all week. It's too much to go into now.....but i will say this; I love the music, but hate the kids.
Two good things that did happen this week;
1>Turkey Burritos. Only happens 3 times a year. Thanx Steamrollers. You rule.
2>My old Calgary friend Doug came to town for a few days. Doug is a rad dude, always has been. He also sang for a great band called Showdown 76, who i think released one of the best 7"s EVER (seriously). Of course Doug is too modest to admit the band was good, but i know that Aram would agree with me. Anyhow, Doug came to town, we went out for dinner a couple times, talked shit and talked about music. I love these kinds of conversations, when you just completly nerd the fuck out talking about not only bands but useless pressing informationa and about recent vinyl scores. The 2nd time we went for dinner Aram joined us and we nerded out even more. Both those dudes have amazing record collections. I may have a large collection, but those dudes have crazy rare shit, like O.G. Minor Threat and Cro-Mags records.

I just wanted to get that shit off my chest. I really want to try and use this blog alot more, but at this point i don't have a home computer, so i write sporadically when i have time at the end of a work day. More updates will come once i get my laptop in December, you've been warned.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rock n Roll show!

I'm putting on a show for a great band called SPANISH BOMBS on November 27th, hopefully we can pack out the basement for these guys. I saw these guys play their first bunch of shows in January of this year when Modern Life is War brought them on tour around Conneticut, Rhode Island, Jersey, etc. I was blown away by their live sets, and couldn't stop listening to their demo. They just released an ep on Chunksaah Records, and will have a vinyl version released on Lifeline Records soon. Check them out at

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well doesn't this just suck ass?

I'm so tired today, i got little to no sleep last night. I spent most of the night tossing & turning, my body exhaused but my mind was totally awake and alert. I lied in bed, a million thoughts going thru my head, pondering some of the most inane or pointless shit. Actually some thoughts were helpful or ok, like the lists i was making in my head of things to do at work, bills to pay, ways to save money, etc. But it would've been better to have those thoughts at any other time than when i was praying for sleep. After my brain got bored thinking about semi-important shit it started in on the totally pointless thoughts; "who was outside the Creepy Crawl in St. Louis when we pulled up on the first day of tour?", "is the Creepy Crawl in St. Louis or Kansas?", "did we get paid by that promoter who burned us, but the booking agent stepped in"...and then my mind drifted even further into the past; "what were my favorite bands in 1992?", "what was the address of that first apartment i had in Edmonton, the one off Jasper Ave", etc. etc. Finally, just when i thought my mind couldn't throw any more stupid thoughts my way i suddenly pictured an angry Hippopatumus and thought about what it would look like charging at me. Fuckin' hell! The only time my brain stopped was when my street and neighborhood was suddenly alive with police cruisers racing around, lights and siren on full throttle.
After hours of tossing & turning, i fell asleep but then woke up 1hour before my alarm went off....FUCK! To make matters worse my whole body ached. I mean, seriously, every single muscle, joint and bone was in pain. I couldn't move my neck, my left arm felt like dead weight, etc. Oh yeah, i could tell this was going to be a steller day.
In order to make the day better i stopped in at HMV and bought myself some treats; Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Box Set, and KISS-Kissology DVD (live shit from 1974-1977). This helped my mood a little, as did the million litres of coffee i've drank since 8AM.
The work day is almost done, and then it's a 40minute walk home. Once i get home, it's straight to the couch to watch my DVD's. Actually i might talk to my roomate first, he's been gone for over a month.
Take me away......