Sunday, March 25, 2007

Who wins on May 23rd 2007?

MAY 23


I can't believe I have to make a decision like this; On May 23rd do I go see the original lineup of Dinosaur Jr. play the Commodore Ballroom or do I go to Deerlake Park to see Bjork? Some people might shake their head at me and say the choice is obvious, but is it? One the one hand you have Bjork, my Icelandic princess. Her first couple albums are great, as is her work with the Sugarcubes. Her live show is apparently quite the sight, and i've never had the chance to see her live. Of course there is a slight chance that she won't play the older songs i want to hear and i'll be dissapointed. I mean, if I didn't get to hear "Big Time Sensuality" I wouldn't be happy. With Dinosaur Jr. i'm pretty sure there is no way i could be dissapointed. But since it is the earlier lineup there's a chance they won't do the later Dino songs, and honestly as uncool as it is to say, i love and prefer later albums like "Green Mind".
I guess i could go to Bellingham or Victoria for Dinosaur Jr. but that costs money, and i just don't have any. Hmmmm...what shall i do? Right now i'm leaning towards Dinosaur Jr. I think.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

strange dream

I had a dream that i was being chased by 2 bears, outside of a strip mall. As i was running i kept thinking "I wonder what it would feel like if the bear bit me". So i kinda slowed down and sure as hell the bear bit my hand. I felt the teeth puncture my skin and then i could feel my bones being crushed by his jaw. I then decided i didn't like that feeling very much so i tried to get my hand out of his mouth, which was hard to do as i was still running.
I don't remember much else about the dream...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How did I become so busy?

I like coming home from work, making some dinner, opening a bag of chips, cracking a cold can of soda pop, and watching some trashy TV. Sometimes i stop watching TV and read a book or magazine, maybe upload some more CD's to my ipod. What i'm getting at here is I cherish my down time, hell sometimes I just want to be lazy. But somehow over the past month, and in particular this week, i've found myself with a million different projects on the go. These are the kind of projects that require clear thinking, discussing details with other people, leaving the house and also being creative. I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out how the hell all this just crept up on me. Here's a list of my current projects;
1--Flyer/promote March 23rd show (Fired Up/Get The Most/Ill Advised/Jakartah)
2--finalize details for April 2nd show (Go It Alone/Pressure/Trash Talk and guests) This show has already changed dates, throwing me for a loop
3--This is My Fist. What started as me helping with a Vancouver show has turned into me helping to book and re-route their tour. Oh yeah, this is less than 4 weeks away.
4--Pulling Teeth tour. See #3, but apply to a Baltimore band playing the area in May.
5--Clorox Girls/Red Dons/Tranzmitors/B-Lines show. I'm letting Jeff handle this one, i'll be in SF.
6--Ruiner show in the summer. I'm not even going to think about this for a while
7--the Bayonettes. This also isn't until summer. Back of the mind for you.
8--Figure out my trip to San Francisco. The flight is booked, but no money is saved and no hostel is booked. But i do know i'll be seeing 108/Rise and Fall/Iron Age/ Killing the Dream/Life Long Tragedy while i'm there.

Anyone wanna help me flyer or maybe go throw a frisbee around this weekend?

Monday, March 05, 2007

You've gotta be kidding!

Day 2 of being on the couch, immobilized by my sore back. I'm not quite sure how it happened, i was on the couch having my morning coffee on Sunday, heard some loud music coming from somewhere, got up to investigate...and BAM! I limped back to the couch. And this is where i've been for the most part for over 30hours now. I managed to slowly walk to the drug store to get some pain killers and then across the street for sushi and snacks. The sushi was great, as were the snacks, but so far the pills haven't done their job.
The only good thing about being laid out was that i was somewhat productive; I managed to finish "King Dork" by Frank Portman (aka Dr. Frank of the Mr. T Experience) and then started & finished the book that Tripp Underwood wrote about life on the road with Unseen. As well i made some headway on helping to book the NW portion of the tour that Pulling Teeth is doing in April/May.
Seriously this pain is intense. I can barely move. Everybreath and every action is a chore. And i hate doing chores.
This is it, i am officially old. Lame. Real lame.